« 暑さ寒さも彼岸まで。学習に集中力を | メイン | 夏の成果を自信に9月からも励もう »

2016年8月31日 (水)


Hello again. It`s me, Mr. McCartney, reporting on the latest Eishin news.

This morning, during 1st period, our entire school gathered in the high school gymnasium for an assembly. The purpose of the assembly was for each class, club and school group to briefly introduce their school festival projects.

Eishin`s school festival, called “Kanshasai”, is a little over a month away. And, from now, each student will start preparing for the school festival. Some students will give presentations, others will create various classroom displays, and still other students have other tasks and responsibilities.

Our students (and teachers) will work very hard over the next 4-5 weeks to make Kanshasai a resounding success (hopefully) on October 1st and 2nd.

Won`t you come to our school and see the results of these efforts? Anyone and everyone is welcome.



